We can also guide you through this process. We believe it is important that no real Emails are lost, but in case you feel overwhelmed by spam, we help you configure your mail client to divert mail or give you access to set a spam delete filter for your account so that Emails with certain characteristics will be deleted right away and you wont even have to see them. This is why FlexMail will tag items as spam and attach warnings to dangerous mail but not delete them automatically (except confirmed viruses - we reject those so the sending party has the opportunity to know they are infected!).

If an Email important to your business is lost because it is tagged as spam if could cause serious problems. Lots of Email providers will automatically delete Emails that are tagged as spam, this might sound good- but everyone has experienced a false positive spam delete. All of our clustered servers use a SAN for back end storage, this makes it so that any Email information that is being stored on our mail servers is stored in multiple locations, protecting any data that is currently being stored on the servers from being lost if one of the harddrives dies. We know that your Email is necessary for your business which is why we have taken even more measures to make sure that an Email message is never lost. Our FlexMail system delivered on multiple clustered servers, which means if one server were to break down, the others pick up the work load, and the mail continues to flow seamlessly. Some Email providers run all of their mail service on one server, BitBlocks' FlexMail uses a far superior system to ensure that downtime is as unlikely as realistically possible. We maintain our equipment in Canada, which makes our email what we at BitBlock like to call “ Patriot Proof.” Our custom Email addresses will work anywhere a regular Email address will work, and your data and contacts are stored in accordance with Canadian privacy laws. Some providers use storage out of country which might mean you have to disclose that to your clients. BitBlocks' Email addresses can be used on any device that you can use any other Email account on.
#Canada post flexmail sign in professional#
Which Email address do you think looks better? or Most people would go with the latter if your company has a custom domain it not only makes your personal Email addresses easier to remember, it is also more professional looking and reinforces your brand. Why should you Opt for BitBlocks' FlexMail