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Lorekeeper Brita -181, 812, -17, In Library area of Chapel. Sallah -156, -287, 5, In Jaggedpine Treefolk building.
Oriyame Nelafre -258, -540, 5, in the Temple of Thunder. Teriesl Windwalker 320, 1249, -105, Druid guild area. Altha Shadowjumper -246, -360, -11, Found in the Cleric Guild. Mystic Pikor 87, 938, 4, In the Plane of Knowledge Library, Main floor (the floor you enter on) with the other shaman spell vendors. Barsk 669, 1049, 83, shaman guild, upper tunnel of Komarr's Caves. Allia Moondancer 0, -445, 2, in Cleric Guild. Zelli Starsfire -622, 245, 79, In Soldiers of Tunare (druids' guild) (EQAtlas platform #21). Barsk 301, -415, 5, Shamans' Guild area. (Check link above to see if this item is used in any recipes.) No Recipes were found to create this item.